In Part I of this series I was investigating the effect of fillfactor parameter in Postgres 14.1. It turned out that the database does not always store the updated version of a tuple on a new page whereas it should, at least because of the default value of fillfactor=100.
Now, I will investigate the source code to see what prevents the database from doing it so.
This time I used a table with less number of columns to exclude the The Oversized-Attribute Storage Technique (TOAST). This is how PostgreSQL manages to store large field values since it does not support spanning a tuple across multiple pages.
create table fillfactortable(
col1 varchar(30),col2 varchar(30),col3 varchar(30),col4 varchar(30),col5 varchar(30),col6 varchar(30)
insert into fillfactortable (
col1, col2, col3,col4,col5,col6
left(md5(i::text), 10), left(md5(i::text), 10), left(md5(i::text), 10), left(md5(i::text), 10), left(md5(i::text), 10), left(md5(i::text), 10)
from generate_series(1, 1) s(i);
Size of the table is 8KB and fillfactor has default value of 100.
select * from pg_total_relation_size('fillfactortable');
8192 bytes
(1 row)
To find out how a tuple is updated let’s take a look at the source code. The routine that does it starts at line 3155 in \src\backend\access\heap\heapam.c:
heap_update(Relation relation, ItemPointer otid, HeapTuple newtup,
CommandId cid, Snapshot crosscheck, bool wait,
TM_FailureData *tmfd, LockTupleMode *lockmode)
Here, the following function is called to do the actual update (line 3926).
RelationPutHeapTuple(relation, newbuf, heaptup, false);
The newbuff parameter’s value decides whether the updated version of the tuple will be on the same page or not. This decision is based on the following condition (line 3670):
pagefree = PageGetHeapFreeSpace(page);
newtupsize = MAXALIGN(newtup->t_len);
if (need_toast || newtupsize > pagefree)
/* No TOAST work needed, and it'll fit on same page */
newbuf = buffer;
heaptup = newtup;
In my scenario need_toast is false since the table has just six attributes of varchar(30). Moreover, should there be another page for TOAST the pg_total_relation_size function would return 16KB since additional page would have been allocated. This can be confirmed also by querying pg_class with the corresponding value for oid column. That is, newtupsize > pagefree evaluating to false is the only case when the new version of the tuple is placed on the same page since it is that case newbuf = buffer. This is actually what happens because pagefree receives a value greater than newtupsize.
To investigate it further, let’s see how PageGetHeapFreeSpace works which can be found at line 899 in \src\backend\storage\page\bufpage.c:
PageGetFreeSpace(Page page)
int space;
* Use signed arithmetic here so that we behave sensibly if pd_lower >
* pd_upper.
space = (int) ((PageHeader) page)->pd_upper -
(int) ((PageHeader) page)->pd_lower;
if (space < (int) sizeof(ItemIdData))
return 0;
space -= sizeof(ItemIdData);
return (Size) space;
Here, pd_upper and pd_lower is offset of end of free space and start of free space in a page relatively. By doing this subtraction pd_upper – pd_lower it calculates available space between between the end of line pointers and start of tuple values. This condition then (line 13 in the last block) if (space < (int) sizeof(ItemIdData)) checks how much space is left ultimately after deducting space taken by the line pointers.
Let’s what the values are for pd_upper and pd_lower in the table (Heads up! No fillfactor involvement so far!):
SELECT lower, upper FROM page_header(get_raw_page('fillfactortable', 0));
lower upper
-------- ----------
28 8096
(1 row)
That is, the page has 8096-28=8068 bytes free. From this the space taken by the single line pointer (4 bytes) has to be subtracted as well which gives 8064 value for the pagefree parameter which is greater than the tuple size which is itself few tens of bytes in size.
A table with fillfactor=100 does not place the new version of the updated tuple on the same page what should not be the case according to the documentation. The tuple update routine makes use of PageGetFreeSpace function to decide whether the new version of the updated tuple resides on the same page. Neither the caller nor the routine itself make use fillfactor value. The routine calculates free spaced based on pd_upper and pd_lower and line pointers. In this scenario, pagefree should have been zero in which case the database would allocate additional page and place the new version of the tuple on this new page. As demonstrated, this did not happen even though fillfactor was set to 100. In Part III of this post series I will investigate cases when it does occur.